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Funding Fix

Are You A Tech Founder Who Is Struggling To Raise Funding?


Need Funding For Your Tech Startup? Join Our 14 Week Program And Get Funding From Angels And VCs!

You're frustrated with how long it's taking to raise funding and you're not sure what you're doing wrong. The Funding Fix Programme will help you raise funding in 14 weeks from angels and VCs.

Early-stage startups can raise seed funding through Funding Fix, a virtual advisory program. During this three-month program, we work with you to improving pitch materials, recruit investors, pitch to angels & VCs, review term sheets, set up your VDR, generate investor interest and so much more.

This is a done-with-you programme, based on out funding blueprint, shows you how to raise your Seed or Series A round. You will discover how to structure your business to make it more investable, communicate the investment merits, improve fundraising efficiency, and negotiate the terms of investments.

The Funding Fix Program is offered exclusively via ZOOM, email, and online tools.

Benefits of the Program

Here are just a few bonuses you’ll get by joining the Funding Fix accelerator program.


Risk Mitigaton

Avoid costly mistakes the rookies make

Female Developers

Accelerate Funding

Prioritize what’s most important.

Image by Felix Mittermeier


Design a sound path to success

Retainer services.jpg

Transaction Advisory

Get expert help to make the right decisions.

Working Together

Access to Investors

Connect to angel investors and VCs

Co-working space

Streamline Processes

Speed up and simplify your fundraising.

Raise your funding round quicker

Who is this for : Founders working full time in their business, who have established product-market fit, have traction in customer growth and revenues and are ready for DD and engaging with investors.


What you will learn : You will learn how to fund a startup and navigate critical inflection points along a company's growth trajectory to achieve long-term viability.


What you’ll get : Develop a no-BS fundraising strategy framework that will give you the actionable steps and network to close your next round.




This program is designed to maximize your ability to learn and apply what you learn to your actual business and fundraising. You will be executing on your round during this time.


Here's how it works:

  1. Weekly sprints to prepare and execute your raise.

  2. Weekly group mentor calls  

  3. Office hours with Investable experts

  4. Bi-weekly 1-on-1 strategy calls.

  5. 24/7 private mentoring group

Neoclassical Building

Neoclassical Building



Due diligence 1

Due diligence 1

On the Phone

On the Phone

Start up

Start up

Working Together

Working Together

everything is connected

everything is connected



Image by Content Pixie

Image by Content Pixie

Happy Businessman

Happy Businessman

Networking Event

Networking Event

Image by Dell

Image by Dell

Application Process

Following these simple steps to enrol in the program

Young Businesswomen

Tell us all about yourself and your business in relation to fundraising.



Attend selection interview 



Enrol to secure your spot

People Inside Taxi

- Get Started -

Start Your Fundraise Today

  • What are the minimum requirements to get in?
    In order for a company to succeed, the founders must work exclusively on it It is essential that the company has a functioning product (at least a beta version) In order to succeed, the company must demonstrate traction with its customers To raise seed/Series A/Series B funding, you should be prepared to devote at least 30 hours per week for 3 months There must be more than two people on your team, including you For a raise to be successful, an organization must have the following resources: physical, technological, human, and financial
  • Why do I need to be working full time on my business?
    From experience, we know that professional investors generally have this as a basic requirement. They are entrusting you will their money, and if you are not working full time, the perception created is that they will have to either wait longer for a return or the investment is too high risk as there is no focus. As a result, no matter how hard you work/try, professional investors will not invest in you.
  • How much time does it take?
    It takes a concerted effort to raise funds. It will take a minimum of 30 hours+ per week to complete weekly fundraising sprints.30 hours+ per week
  • Who is the Funding Fix Program for?
    Funding Fix was developed by our the Founder, who worked in M&A and has mentored many Founders who struggled to raise funding, and those who did, made many rookie mistakes which will haunt them in days to come. As a first-time fundraiser, you will need to familiarize yourself with many aspects of the fundraising process. To provide structure and guidance to startups, we have developed a playbook that incorporates the expertise of multiple top mentors. If you're raising a Seed, Series A, or Series B capital round from a professional investor, we will be able to help. You're too early for the program if you do not have traction / revenue / product-market-fit.
  • Is the program country specific?
    No. Our program caters to all Founders and is not specific to country. Our success team will look for warm introductions in your country to assist in raising your round and you will still have access to resources to help you move ahead.
  • Do you take equity as part of the program?
    No. This is an equity-free program. A basic fee is only payable.
  • Do I need to attend any sessions?
    The Funding Fix program is 100% virtual. Live and interactive webinars on various fundraising topics are hosted by us with various influencers. In-depth due diligence processes of VCs are covered, along with best practices for developing your target list. Our team will discuss your specific situation 1:1 on Slack and in Office Hours once you begin meeting investors.
  • How will the Funding Fix Program help me?
    The fundraising process is complicated and be overwhelming. We provide you with a safe space to discuss your concerns and provide guidance on all aspects of the fundraising process. You will receive extensive feedback on your pitch deck, investor target list, your data room, and your term-sheets. We will guide you through every step of the investor outreach, negotiation, and closing process.
  • Will you introduce me to investors?
    The program does not include introductions, however, where we can, we will. In instance where we need to search for partners in your area, based on capacity, we will do out utmost best to assist. Our retainer advisory services, under Investable, does cover this aspect and may be worth looking onto after the program.
  • I would like Investable to handle my fundraising efforts - do I need to enrol for the Funding Fix Program?
    No, you do not need to enrol for the program. Select one of our Transaction Advisory Retainer packages and we will assist you on a one-to-one basis. The program does help you as a founder understand the process and get first hand experience in raising.
  • What is your advise in preparing for the Funding Fix Program?
    First start by organising your team and delegating work to the right people. Make sure everyone knows what has to be done to keep the business operational and growing. Inform your team that you will only be available in emergencies as you will be focused on fundraising for at least 30 hours a week.
  • Can I drop out of the Program?
    This program is tough, so we do understand when Founders realise they cannot raise a round and drop out. You are still liable for the full fee and can come back into another cohort. We run 2-3 cohorts a year. Alternatively, you can opt for one of our retainer transaction advisory packages and we will pro-rata it with fees from the program. Contact us to make arrangements.
  • What happens after the Program?
    There is a high likelihood that, by the end of the program, if you have complete all the sprints with vigour, you would have hard-circled investors and are in the process of closing your round. We will provide limited support and you are more than welcome to sign up to our transaction advisory retainer services. This is not compulsory though.
  • Does the program provide legal and accounting/financial support?
    No. You would have to still engage with a lawyer in your jurisdiction to review the contract. As you will learn, it is necessary to have a lawyer appointed for every raise. We are, however, looking to recruit partners in the finance and legal space, who will offer participants and alumni of the program discounts. If you know anyone or a company that has done a splendid job, please refer them.
  • Can I join if I have never been in an accelerator or incubator?
    Yes, definitely. We welcome all founders who want to raise their round efficiently and in the shortest possible time.
  • Does Investable invest in startups that go through the program?
    Depending on the business and various other factors, we may invest through our sister company Apollo Angels.
  • If you don't take equity, how does your model work?
    We stress the importance of not diluting too soon as the Founders, hence, we apply the tuition model. We focus on building partnerships. Through this program, we will conduct a due diligence on the business and may negotiate a warrant to invest at a future date during your program or post-graduation. Should we decide to invest, we will do this through the sister company Apollo Angel Network and their partners which span various countries. When we invest, our investment depends on the stage and valuation of the company at the end of the program.
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